
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Director's Choice - Christopher Nolan and Insomnia (2002)
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
1:34 - Christopher Nolan Discussion
19:45 - Insomnia (2002) Discussion
44:14 - Grades
46:05 - What we have been watching
1:14:02 - Next Episode
This time around, Matt, Tyler, and that one other kid who now feels justified in both buying more Criterion's and making videos on them, talk about Christopher Nolan as a director and his 2002 film Insomnia. This is another episode in our Director's Choice series!
Films discussed in What We Have Been Watching: Parasite, Throne of Blood, Guns Akimbo, The Silence of the Lambs, Moonrise Kingdom, The Death of Stalin, Manhatten, Captain America: Civil War, Arrival, and Paddleton
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvN86WQmAGJxwdP8w9wPtQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Film_Frauds

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Film Frauds Trailer
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Welcome to the Film Frauds Podcast. It is here that we (Matt, Mark, and Tyler) talk about movies we recommend to each other, a Director's Series where we each choose a director that we like and slowly go through their entire filmography, and new releases as soon as those pick up again. After each discussion of the movie, we have a What We Have Been Watching section where we talk about the recent stuff we have either been watching, reading, or playing. We don't have an upload schedule but rather post whenever we want which means that there will be anywhere between 1-3 episodes a week.
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvN86WQmAGJxwdP8w9wPtQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Film_Frauds